About Us
After living in Scotland for five years, Dan & Shyla embarked on a one-year trip around the world. Little did they know, the trip would last seven years taking them to over 75 countries.

Classes Taught

After returning to the U.S., they taught travel classes at five community colleges in the Pacific Northwest.
Student Reviews
International Travel Coaches of the Year

International Travel Coaches

We are travel coaches – not travel agents. We do not receive commission from any tours or hotels. We provide you with honest opinions and tips from our extensive experience traveling. We are pros at travel research and are happy to help you find the perfect activity or place to stay based on your needs, but you make your own reservations.
If you are looking for someone to make air, hotel, or tour reservations for you, please go to our Recommended Resources page for names of some excellent Travel Advisors / Agents.

Shyla Esko Bare
Shyla went on her first independent trip to Alaska when she was 15. At 20 she dropped out of University and flew to Australia where she learned the ropes of being an international backpacker. Years of backpacking travel, taught Shyla to live without a hairdryer and to pack light so she can run for a bus/train/canoe/camel in any country. Shyla has been to 73 countries and has lived in four since she left the States – Scotland, Australia, Thailand and Mexico. She has also continued her education and has both a BA in Business and an MBA with an emphasis on entrepreneurialship.

Daniel Bare
Dan has been to 75 countries on six continents. He has also lived on four continents – Europe, Oceana, Asia & North America (in Mexico). Dan is a natural traveler as he is drawn to experiential travel yet he likes some luxuries while he is on the road, like strong coffee, fine wine, regular massages and an occasional resort stay. Dan continues to travel because he has an affinity for adventure and learning about the many unique cultures on our planet.
Dan also has an entrepreneurial calling. He owned a successful computer consulting business for twenty years

Dan & Shyla have traveled around the world